Thursday, October 20, 2011

singapore sling

sepuluh perkara yang anda mungkin tidak tahu tentang singapura:
  1. there is no bugis people at bugis street 
  2. chewing gum is a big no-no in singapore
  3. there is no domestic flight or destination in changi airport
  4. singapore public transporations  are very similar to hong kong's
  5. the escalator in singapore are moving much faster than the one in malaysia
  6. malay singapore will speak malay language only to malay people
  7. singapore has too many senior citizen, they gave citizenship to young chinese from republic of china
  8. now they have too many chinese from the mainland, it brings more problem to them
  9. so, they turn to their nearest neighbour to bring in malaysian chinese
  10. but still they all speak in english...

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